
Focus on Denmark: 2nd Report on Media Development

posted on 08 October, 2015   (public)

Focus on Denmark:  2nd Report on Media Development

In June 2015, the Danish Agency for Culture has published the first part of its second edition of its "Media Development in Denmark Report" which looks at media consumption trends and at the media industry in Denmark.

The scope of the 2015 report was enlarged to include local weekly newspapers, commercial local radio, regional TV 2 stations, non-commercial local TV, as well as the traffic on mobile and tablet devices - thus providing a more complete picture of the Danish media market. An extensive, 42-page summary in English has now been made available.

The study reveals that:

  • Danish household consumption expenditure spent on media-related items is increasing: from 5.5 % in 1994 to 11,3% in 2012.
  • Internet speeds and mobile traffic are increasing almost exponentially: mobile traffic increased by 39.1 % within 6 months in 2014.
  • The daily TV viewing of traditional TV for people aged 12-18 has fallen by 46 minutes in two years. For the population in general, there has been a fall of 22 minutes over the two-year period.
  • 12.1 % of the Danish population (people aged 16–89) stream films, series or TV programmes every day or almost every day.
  • 37 % of the Danish population who use streaming services, and continue to have a traditional TV subscription, report that they have reduced their traditional TV viewing after they started using streaming, while 62% report that they watch as much traditional TV as they did before they started to use streaming services.
  • The oldest (70 years old or older) people's daily radio listening has fallen by 43 minutes since 2008.
  • Public service TV has increased its share from 55 % in 2013 to 58 % in 2014, while non-public service TV has lost share, from 40 % in 2013 to 39 % in 2014.
  • Public service radio's share has fallen from 78 % in 2013 to 75 % in 2014, and commercial radio has increased its share, from 22 % in 2013 to 25 % in 2014.
  • Reading of printed newspapers continues to fall: daily newspapers have lost 25.7 % of readers over the period 2010–2014.
  • 81 % of the Danish population use the internet every day.
  • The share of the Danish population that uses a smartphone for internet access has increased from 51 % in 2013 to 74 % in 2014.
  • In 2012, 60 % of mobile users used their mobile device to access the internet. In 2014, this figure has increased to 70 %. For seniors older than 75 years old, there was an increase, from 14 % in 2012 to 31 % in 2014.

The second part of the report, which is expected for the end of 2015, will provide a review of the media industry with sub-sectors in relation to a number of financials (turnover, employment, etc.). It will also publish the results of a study of the population's behaviour on the internet.

Source: Danish Agency for Culture


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