
EPRA meeting in Tbilisi: Presentation of the Georgian Media Regulatory Landscape

posted on 15 October, 2014   (public)

EPRA meeting in Tbilisi: Presentation of the Georgian Regulatory Landscape

On the occasion of the 40th EPRA meeting in Tbilisi on 8-10 October 2014, Mr. Ivane Makharadze, Head of the Broadcasting Regulation Department at the Georgian National Communication Commission presented an overview of the Georgian regulatory landscape.

This presentation includes a description of the structure, the main objectives and the financing of the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC). It also briefly presents the Georgian Law on Broadcasting, the licensing regime and facts related to the transition to digital broadcasting.

  • The Georgian Law on Broadcasting was elaborated in 2004 with the assistance of Council of Europe experts to promote efficient use of frequencies, streamline the licensing regime, ensure transparency and establish a Public Service Broadcaster.
  • The Georgian National Communications Commission is an independent regulatory authority, whose main objectives are the creation and development of a level playing field and a competitive environment in the electronic communications and the broadcasting sectors ; the introduction of modern technologies; the protection of legitimate interests of consumers; the allocation of frequencies; as well as the promotion of the editorial independence of broadcasters.

The Presentation on the Georgian Media Regulatory Landscape by Ivane Makharadze is attached to this news. For additional information, see also GNCC's Regulators Profile.

Source: EPRA Secretariat

Attached Documents

